Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Flowing with Change

2014 is proving to be a great year at Singing Tree.  Children are growing and learning as are the adults that surround them.  I truly believe that the adults in children's lives must always continue to learn and grow.  We must observe the growing and changing child and create an environment that grows with them. We must also assess our internal growth and continue to nurture those deep parts of ourselves that  bring patience, love and guidance to our approach.  

Quiet time is a sacred time for the children of Singing Tree.  It is where we find that quiet space within and find rejuvenation and energy in a nap or some quiet time alone.  To bring ourselves into this important frame of mind we sit in a circle, remove our socks and rub our feet with cream and sing a song:
"Rub, rub, rub your feet,
Rub your feet to sleep. 
Rubby, dubby, dub, 
Rub your feet to sleep."
The children look forward to this time.  The older children help the younger ones to remove their socks and put cream on their feet.  It is a great joy to see the pride in the older children as they help and the happiness in the young as their peers give them a hand.  In this way we teach our children to be helpful to others and give them a sense of purpose. 

"How children change quickly"

"How they live in the moment."

"How joyful, they are."

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